Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Dear Future Husband

My Love,

How are you? 
I ask this question knowing that I will get no response but I know someday soon when I ask, I will get a response from you. 
As I write this I have tears streaming down my face not because I'm a cry baby but because today I feel overwhelmed. There's just so much going on. 
I think about you sometimes and when I do, I pray for you.
I have searched for you my love amongst men of different tribes, through different races, skin colours, social and educational background.
I have met men that sounded and acted like you but time always proves they are not you as all they had to offer was sweet talk that only left me with mental diabetes. 
I have had promises made and broken, I have been here, there and everywhere in my search for you.

I realize now though that I have been busy playing God when I ought to just wait, trust and pray for you to find me.

But don't blame me, I have been told severally that I have to shine my eyes and be smart and so I tried to be smart. I have been told I would have to kiss a lot of frogs to find my Prince and God knows it's been an exercise in futility. I have learned now though that Frogs will be Frogs and Princes will be Princes and no amount of kissing will change a person's nature. So here I am, still waiting and praying.

Today I am writing to let you know that I'll wait for you.

I have loved and lost, I have given my time and expended my energy on men who did nothing to earn it and because they couldn't handle it, they abused it but from here on the search is over. 
Today I give it all to the Author of love because he is love and has written our story since the beginning of time. I give my will over and I surrender my desires. I have ended my dance with men and entered into his arms. I will waltz with him and learn at his feet because I know when the time is right, he will hand me to you and watch over us as we waltz through life and walk the path he designed for us.

Until then, I will keep learning about love, mercy and grace. I am learning to love the God kind of way - in spite of flaws and mistakes. I have started with myself and those around me and trust me it's hard but I am learning that it's possible.

I hope to love you faithfully with patience and see you through God's eyes 'an imperfect being like me who deserves grace when he strays'. 
The tears have stopped flowing and now I'm smiling...thoughts of you make me smile - a lot.

There's so much I have to say but I will stop here today and will hopefully write you again soon.

Till then I will reiterate that I will wait for you because when you come I'll know.

You will need me like flowers need the rain not because you are incomplete on your own but because I'm part of your destiny, a component of your chemistry, the bone of your bone and flesh of your flesh. 
Unlike the others you will love me in all my forms because God has put in you the ability and grace to love me as a husband should - like Christ loved the Church and gave himself for her. 
You will open my closet and when you realise that just like everyone else I too have got my skeletons, you will help me clean up and you will stay.
I pray for you everyday that God will teach you to honour him and surrender to his will. I pray that he prospers and favours you. I pray that in a world where there are over 6 billion people, you will know me when you see me.

I will write you again soon my darling.



  1. Awwww that's so sweet.......he is there dearie. Searching for you and soon to hold you. I will be there to smile and dance along with you two as you celebrate your wedding day.

    1. Waiting patiently and yes we will dance to celebrate it. Thank you Vicky.
