Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Fiction: The Vow

Loving all I know about you and trusting what I do not yet know. In all that life brings us, I I promise would be better, she thought.
She struck out the word Pledge and made to write promise instead, then she looked up as Kate her sister's giggle caught her attention, she smiled. Kate was trying on her dress and Cynthia teased her about trying to outshine the bride.
Then she looked in the mirror before her, Cynthia did a perfect job with her makeup as she looked every inch the perfect bride.

She looked down again at the note pad in her hand, she was reviewing her vows for the umpteenth time.

Today she would be one with the best man she ever met, they had both agreed to write their vows and she wanted hers to be perfect. She intended to paint her love with the best of words - Charles is worth more than words can describe.
She smiled again as she pictured his face, she imagined him stifling his laughter at some of the things she would say about him and their love.

Then her mind flashed back to the day they met - 12 months earlier.
She had gone to the bank to retrieve her ATM card which got stuck in the machine the day before but she was told the same thing she had heard the day before. The man in charge wasn't on seat and she had to wait or return again. She was angry and frustrated as she had deadlines to meet, besides she was to leave town the next day. She knew playing it cool would get her no where and before anyone could say anything she sat on the floor, surprising even herself.

She sat down and told the Customer Care lady that she would not get up until she got her card.

'In fact I'll post pictures of myself on Social media and let everyone know how incompetent and insensitive you are to customers plight' this was her reply when the lady insisted that a well dressed and pretty lady ought to not act in that manner. The lady threatened to call security but she didn't flinch.

Before long the HR manager came out to pacify her but she insisted that she would not move until she got her card. Shortly after, the man who was to give her the card came in and she was handed her card. She got up, dusted her dress and walked out. She didn't even wait to hear what the bank officials were saying to her - she felt a little embarrassed but her act of desperation paid off.

Two weeks later, she had gone to get grocery from the City mall and as she made to hand her card to the cashier for payment she heard a voice 'you still have your card huh'?
She turned and it was the HR Manager from the bank, she was too embarrassed to say anything.

He extended his hand for a handshake 'My name is Charles' he said.

She nodded and smiled as she took his hand 'I'm Grace, nice shirt you have on', she replied.
He muttered his thanks and offered to take her wherever she was headed to make up for the embarrassment his bank had caused her. But she politely declined as she had driven to the mall. He insisted then that he would make up in anyway possible. They agreed to have dinner that weekend and exchanged cards.
He took the bags from her, walked her down to her car, helped her put them in the boot and watched her drive off.

That weekend they had dinner and the dinner dates continued for four weeks before he asked her out officially. Then they had formed a bond.
Charles was the quintessential gentleman and though he had his flaws, he was a good man.

He gave her the best time of her life.

They navigated through the tough times, shared each other's pains, celebrated successes and just grew together. He proposed eight months after.

Two months ago today she thought, as Kate's voice jolted her back to reality, 'Grace, your phone is ringing'. She picked up her phone, it was Charles.

'Hello, My best man' she said.
'My pearl' he responded, 'My favorite girl, how are you'?
'I'm good, getting ready to be your wife'.
He chuckled.
'I have a confession', he said.
'I'm listening' she responded.
He went on 'My darling, did you know I have dreamt of this day from the day I saw you sitting on the floor at the bank? I knew I wanted you from that day'. She smiled and he continued.

'Meeting you at the mall was God's answer to my prayers and I knew I would never let you go. Sometimes I wonder if I can love you the way you deserve to be loved. I wonder why a woman with such a beautiful soul would choose me in spite of my imperfections. I just love you'.

I love you too, she replied

He continued, 'Remember the day you canceled your trip to take care of me when I fell ill? I overheard you telling your mum on the phone to pray for me and that you would give your blood if you had to. That day I knew I would give anything to make you happy.
So babe, I can't promise you a perfect life but I'll do all I can to protect, defend, honor and love you. If I err as I'm wont to do, if you feel overwhelmed and are tempted to leave me, remember I fell for you.

When life's storm rages and we can't stand any longer, we will go on our knees to the God who brought us together - our king.
I choose you today, my favorite girl, prayer partner, cheerleader, teammate, sister, lover and Wife. Don't you ever doubt my love for you cos I will love you faithfully and no matter where life takes us Grace will lead us home - to each other.
Thank you for accepting to be the mother of my children. You have brought me happiness and I will do right by you, God bless you my pearl'.
She felt a tear trickle down her face.

God bless you too my love, she muttered.

'I imagine how beautiful you look right now. Now let's go do this' he replied

She dropped the call and looked down at the Note pad in her hand, she reviewed her Vow and beckoned on Kate and Cynthia, 'let us pray' she said.

They came over, held each other's hands and bowed their heads to pray.

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