Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Always Be Gracious And Grateful

I read once that the hardest mathematics in the world is the one which enables us count our blessings and I must say it's true.

Oftentimes we get so engrossed with our needs and wants which by the way are insatiable, that we have no time to just be grateful for what we have.

Also oftentimes we compare ourselves with others and sometimes it's with the most mundane issues like your sister whose daughter has started walking at the age of one while yours is still crawling - funny but true.

We get caught up with counting the blessings of others which leaves us no time to count our own and this has resulted in most people being depressed and suicidal.

I am not saying those suffering depression are ungrateful, I'm simply saying that if we focus on the beauty in our lives, there will be no room for depression or suicidal thoughts. 'A merry heart does good like medicine' Proverbs 17:22.

We must therefore learn to always be gracious and grateful. It's easy to focus on all the things that are not going right but we must take time to focus on the positive and the things going right.

Commit to getting better and improving your life, set goals, never settle, do not be content with mediocrity but make sure to enjoy the journey.

Everyday won't be perfect but everyday has its purpose.

We must teach our children to be thankful. Encourage your child to succeed but do not forget to celebrate their small successes.

Be intentional in giving thanks and do not wait for a special day to give thanks instead make thanksgiving a habit and thanksliving a lifestyle.

Remember that someone somewhere may be praying to have what you take for granted.

Spread joy wherever you go because the truth is that life won't be perfect but a grateful heart and thankful lips will make the journey worthwhile.

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