Monday, 15 February 2016


I have read and heard people whine about Monday and how they miss the weekend. Honestly as much as I love my weekends, I think there is no need to dread the arrival of anyday. 
Most people have bought into the popular opinion that Mondays are to be dreaded which is wrong. Mondays are in fact days that present the awesome opportunity to begin the week on a great note, work towards goal actualization and set the pace for the rest of the week. 
Mondays give an opportunity to return to passion - work that is. If you have bought into the myth of Monday being an awful day, recalibrate your mind. You can make everyday what you want it to be, just decide - it's all about your mind.
Decide every Monday to 'Arise and shine for your light has come' - Isaiah 60:1.
If it were up to you, what would you choose? Dreadful Mondays and a drag through the week or Super Awesome Mondays and an opportunity to make your week productive? 
You are in charge, choose wisely and let your light shine.
Have a productive new week...Xoxo!

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