Monday, 1 February 2016


Click Clack, Click Clack, Click Clack!
Click Clack, Click Clack, Click Clack!
Twas the sound heard as she strutted on gracefully like an experienced model on the runway,
The heels of her Stilettos producing a rhythm as they kissed the marble floor.
Her hips swayed from side to side, oh how she carried them like they could move mountains!
And the men ogled, trailing her with their eyes.
She smiles because she knows the effect she has on them.
But she wondered if they knew that there was more to her.
It wasn’t about her hips,
Neither was it about her hair, beautiful in a way that makes you want to run your hands through and just caress it. Beautiful hair but it wasn’t that!
It wasn’t her clothes either, her body made the clothes beautiful and without her they would be mere fabric.
She waved at a familiar face and strutted on as she continued in thought.
Someone whistled at her, he was obviously enchanted by her looks.
Your makeup is perfect he blurted out and she smiles her thanks but it isn’t the makeup either. Yes they enhanced her facial features but that was all they were, enhancers and nothing more.
Truth is she is more than the sway of her hips and the length of her hair. She is neither her make up nor is she her clothes.
And she isn’t her shoes, bags, jewelry or accessories either, those are just what they are…accessories.
She wondered and pondered on the truth about who she is which she knows in her heart...and she smiles.

She is, the glint in her eyes when she smiles and the tears that fall when words fail.
She is the arms that hold you when you need a hand to hold.
She is the blush that spreads across her face when someone pays her a compliment she knows to be true.
She is every dream and every goal she hopes to achieve in order to fulfil her purpose on earth.
She is every mountain she has climbed and the turmoil she has endured to be the woman everyone sees.
She is the child that begs to be seen once in a while, not because she hasn’t grown but because sometimes she also needs nurturing and tender care like a child.
She is the woman who looks the world in the face and says because I am here, no mountain is insurmountable. I’ll live this life and live it well.
She is the beautiful and sensual female everyone else sees but her beauty isn’t defined by the clothes, accessories or makeup she adorns.
Her beauty is in her grace, her charms, her imperfections, every mistake she has made, the scars from past hurts, broken promises and unfulfilled dreams.
She is a woman and she is God’s idea of beauty perfected!

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