Tuesday, 30 June 2020

You, The Most Riveting Love Story

One word, with three letters spelling YOU,
Y and O and U, together culminating in YOU.
Like, why does the spinning in my head stop at the thought of YOU?
Oh the peace as the gbam-gbam-dum-dum stills because of YOU.

YOU, the lips that speak life to water and make me bloom.
YOU, the eyes that light up my path, watching me with love like a Groom.
YOU, the hands that hold me, guiding me through darkness.
YOU, the ears that listen while mortals slumber through night's stillness.

One word, with the letters Y and O and U to say the word YOU;
Father, Lover, Burden bearer, Teacher, Enigma, and Muse, YOU.
The mastermind constantly working wonders only you can do.
My safe place, praising YOU is my favourite thing to do.

Oghene ro fego - the God who is deserving of my worship
Agbani lagbatan - the one who delivers completely
Gaga n'ogwu - the God that walks on thorns
Yod Hay Waw Hay (YHWH) - the self existent one

YOU the most beautiful notes penned for music or poetry;
YOU, the most phenomenal and riveting love story.
YOU, the most remarkable event that happened to me;
YOU, a constant reminder that goodness, grace and mercy never left me.

Saturday, 20 June 2020

He Fixes Broken Things

Broken things are not allowed in the palace - it's a thing. 
If you think I'm joking, go back to the record of Kings.
From Saul that man who stood head and shoulder above all
He was tall and strong, the most handsome of them all
To David whose reign was characterized by wars and alotta skirmish
and Absalom in whom there was not even a single blemish

Broken things are not allowed in the palace, don't you know?
It's a space for diamonds, gold and every precious stone you know
Broken things and people have no room even in the servants' quarter
Cos the palace has no space for a life filled with clutter
It's a place for Kings and nobles and men courageous and whole
Who dine and wine from goblets that can buy even your soul

Broken things are not allowed in the palace you see
That means in it there's no space for people like me
Broken, battered, shattered with a proclivity for mistakes
A life mutilated and marred by all the wrong choices I make
Yet the palace was the one place where I desperately needed a space
I wanted to be in, even before I had an encounter with amazing grace

I fussed and pressed as I thought of a way through
Read the books, seeking counsel that might birth a breakthrough
I pined, and yearned, hungered and hankered till I was worn
Yet eager to find a space even if it meant being scorched by the sun
But the truth hit hard forcing me flat on my face
Broken things and people will never in a palace find space

Then I met this King, the one called the God of Jeshurun and Zion
Ephrathah! He said and my cup filled up to inundation
Now I have become Hephzibah and my land Beulah
A personification of grace and mercy with a dose of charisma
He accepts and fixes broken things till they are free to be
But you may never understand if you had never met me

Broken things can be allowed in the palace, this truth I have learnt
Cos of the God who fixes things and people no matter how broken or bent.
And if you doubt cos you think you are too broken to be fixed
Then ask about the girl I was before He called out "Talitha Cumi"
He breathed and suddenly life has a new meaning for me
And I can scream Rehoboth! because in the palace, he's made room for me.

Friday, 19 June 2020

A Love Stronger Than You or I

A love stronger than you or I,
A love that would never say bye.
Speaking the truth undiluted, bitter but peppered with warmth,
Reminding us that in our similarities and differences lie our worth.
Remembering to forget the wrongs, constantly forgiving imperfections,
Holding instead to the good, the simple understated yet honest intentions.
Never forgetting the richness of the laughter that warms our soul,
Even on the days when all we can manage is a sigh or a growl.

A love seemingly fragile yet consistent enough to make a mockery of lust,
Bigger, braver, higher, wider and stronger than the two of us.
Staying even when pushed to the brink by hurtful words and wrongs,
Staying because the many more rights are what make us so strong.
A love that understands that there are so many things we are not, like perfect,
Yet sees the realness, strength, resilience and genuineness we reflect.
Through life's many seasons of cool, warmth and hot,
Like gold it got purer as it was forged in life's heated pot.

A love that says Yes! rescuing and choosing us over and again,
Reminding us that the gift of each other is our greatest gain.
Through years of pain, turmoil, tears and hard days,
Holding and keeping us safe as we find our way back to sunny days.
An affair that defies logic making a mess of arrogance and pride,
That even when we thought we would die, we always stayed on for one last ride.
Now I look back and wonder where all the time went,
As I ponder on the love that held my heart steady from the day we met.

A love that got us two on a life long dance of tango,
And now we know that try as we might there's no letting go.
Giving me wings to soar, nudging me to reach for, do and be more,
Standing tall through the toasts we made as we became so much more.
As the colours fade and I watch heaven come to me,
I admit that my biggest gain is to have been loved for me.
That a soul reset its priorities the day it set sights on mine,
Relinquishing the familiar to make his heart and life accommodate mine.

And if I could rewind the clock to turn back time's hand,
I would still give all for this love God gave me through your hand.
Through water and fire I'd walk and my flag I'd hoist,
Till I feel that tingle in my heart caused only by the sound of your voice.
I would watch, pray and wait forever and a day more,
Cos for your love, there's nothing I wouldn't do or endure.
This love that in its minutest form is stronger than you or I,
And would never say bye, no matter how hard we try.