Wednesday, 1 April 2020

How Can I Find My Way To You And You To Me?

Memories. That's all we have now.

Memories of days in the Sun, days of laughter and play.
Days that before our eyes seem to have suddenly slipped away.

Days when we could just up and leave, without a care.
Days when making plans and commitments didn't seem like a dare.

Days when we could just touch and stretch out hands for a shake.
When rubbing skin against a stranger wasn't counted a grave mistake.

Days when we shared blankets instead of peeking in response to "hellos".
When we could just fly and like Angels happily rocked our halos.

Days taken for granted, moments we thought would always last.
Days now gone by, the worst we feared is here at last.

The worst has come but what next we must ask?
How do we make the most of the daunting and arduous task?

These days in the storm, and in the conundrums of hell's fire.
How can they prove to us the infallible truth that the Devil is a liar?

How can we find strength to turn houses once again to homes, love cubicles?
Filled with warmth and laughter and the calm assurance that we are each other's miracles.

How can actions of love transcend the realm of primal instincts?
And morph into intercourse that goes deeper than collision between sheets

How can this serve as a reminder of our common denominator, our humanity,
And instead of ending us, help me find my way back to you and you to me?