Thursday, 3 August 2017

Becoming More Than Beautiful.

Have you ever looked at your body and wished you could change it or some parts of it? Do you wish you could afford a surgery to look perfect?

What is your idea of PERFECT? Is it the idea sold to you by society of how you should look? If you do get to do have your 'perfect' look, would it make you happy?

It's as Beyonce sang in Pretty Hurts, "we shine the light on whatever's worst but what we can't see is the soul that needs a surgery".

It's your mind that needs to be told that beautiful is not what the media feeds you.

Beauty isn't bought or built and it doesn't look a certain way. It is diverse and that's why it is said to be 'in the eyes of the beholder'. It's up to you to behold your beauty when you look in the mirror.

So, when was the last time you beheld your beauty?
Also, when you think of beauty do you see you? Or pictures of clothes, jewelry, shoes, bags, make-up and accessories? As much as these are important they are mere accessories and are not the determinant of your beauty. They exist for you and would be useless without you but you are good as you are and are complete without them.

One truth about beauty is that it doesn't guarantee happiness and that's why some people end doing so many surgeries in search of 'perfection'  when what they really want is to 'feel good' about themselves.

This feel good feeling which really is 'happiness' sadly can't be bought through surgery nor attained through filtered pictures.

It is the result of accepting you as you are. It is knowing you are beautiful and this beauty isn't dependent on how you feel, what you have or what others say. You only need to be aware of this fact so you can live freely and confidently else you could 'alter' your body with surgery and filter your pictures all you want and still feel empty when you are by yourself.

Take a few minutes daily to remind yourself that you are beautiful, say those words to yourself till they become entrenched in your mind.

Say it so much that even when you have no make-up on, your hair isn’t made and your dress is ill-fitting, you still feel beautiful. Say it till you become content with yourself and the opinion of others no longer matter. Say it because even if others do, it would never matter until you do.
Say it because it is true.

Do not wait till someone else appreciates you to appreciate yourself. Do not wait till someone calls you beautiful to feel beautiful but beyond being beautiful, strive to be intelligent, compassionate, loving, honest, courageous and amazing.

Own your flaws because they are proof of your imperfection, be aware of and accept your beauty because that’s the beginning of love but most importantly remember that beauty doesn't guarantee happiness and sometimes it is the soul that needs a surgery.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Lessons I Have Learned In Life

Life is a process of becoming and un-becoming.

Our experiences daily sometimes help us become all we ought to be and sometimes help un-become everything we are not so we can become all we are meant to be.

Every experience serves a purpose and that is to teach us to do, act, speak or simply be better.
They are to serve as lessons to us.

I have had my fair share of lessons in life one of which is that no one is perfect. I am a bundle of imperfections and the best I can do is recognize my flaws and see how I can be better. I have made mistakes, said things I regretted and erred because the truth is I was not made to be perfect.

Another lesson I have learned is that everyone deserves grace when they err. I will err and I deserve to be accorded the grace to do better next time I must therefore accord others grace when they err.

I have made my fair share of mistakes some of which I could have avoided but another lesson I have learned is that every event whether good or bad is a learning experience. This is not to say we should willfully do what we ought not to do but when that happens, we should learn from it and move on.

Another lesson I have learned is that ‘the only person I have control over is me’ because people will do what they will, say what they will but how I respond is what matters.

I have learned also that people forget as easily as they remember. People tend to easily forget the good you did to them but will easily remember all your wrongs and there is nothing you can do about it.

I have learned that people may forgive but they never forget and may bring up a past mistake to get even or prove a point either intentionally or not.

I have learned more importantly though that because no one is capable of perfection and because everyone will err at some point the only one I can count on is God.

He alone is perfect, will not err and will forgive and forget.

I have learned that if we let God he restores us piece by piece and that there is nothing too dirty for him to make clean.

I have learned that life is a process of learning and that there are still many lessons to be learned.

Welcome To August!

Love is God ensuring your name is on the wake-up list and leading you into a new month.

Have you said thank you to him today?

Blessings and grace to you in this month of August.

Happy New Month!